Amateur Radio is the original social experience—in person, over the waves, and even on social media. As part of the Learning Center, we encourage you to get active and involved with other operators, young and old, from many different backgrounds and parts of the world.
Amateur Radio is a great way to meet new people. Radio clubs are a great for learning something new, with members teaching skills to each other and participating in activities. Like to travel? Find hamfests and conventions near you. These events include exhibits, equipment sellers, and presentations to help you get involved in a variety of Amateur Radio interests.
Get active.
Come out and meet other operators in your area. It's a fun way to learn and connect.
Get in touch.
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio®
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111-1400 USA
FAX 1-860-594-0259
Mon.-Fri. 8 AM to 5 PM except holidays